Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I took a week off...

It was so busy last week that I had to take some time off, but I am back and in full effect!!

I am trying to lose weight but I keep finding all of these wonderful food blogs and then "having" to try out the recipes. Then I get to stare at it all day long and the food always wins. I need to start doing some research on some fitness blogs. Anyways, here is another great food blog, it is done by a husband and wife. Enjoy!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Crazy Domestic

Here is another website that I stumbled upon. It has some great ideas on it!!! I love seeing how creative people are!!! Wish I had some of those ideas!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This is really making me want to fly to Chicago.

I saw this on the Today Show yesterday and now I can't quit thinking about it!! I think it will be the next big thing!!! Its a Meat Loaf Bakery!! Yummy Yummy!!! They have some very interesting things on their menu. You can get each in a bite size, a cupcake size or a loaf. The loafs are like 30.00!!! Yikes. Anyways I really hope someone can start replicating these here in Utah, Because I need one now!!!!!
Some of the ones I am craving the most are the spaghetti one and the buffalo wings one!! AGHHHHH!! I am hungry!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One Day...

One day I am going to re-do my kitchen. I hate it. But in order to do that I need some money. So... I won't be doing it for a while. Here is what I want to do, I love this girl's ideas. She has a great blog, Check it out!!!!